Real Jamaica School Project e.V.
Your donations – regular as well as individual donations – are a great help for our projects and
contribute to improving the living conditions of many young Jamaicans.
The cost per student per term (4 months, there are 3 terms per year in Jamaica) is 22,000 Jam$.
Converted to a year, it is currently (as of March 2024) around €33 per child per month.
Let´s make this possible together!
Every donation is directly received by Real Jamaica School Project e.V. and used exclusively for supporting running projects.
You are welcome to see for yourself in Jamaica.
You can either donate by bank transfer or become a regular sustaining member of RJSP e.V.
Each donation (membership fees as well as individual donations) are tax-deductible and
donation receipts will be delivered as soon as possible (please specify your name and address).
Bank details:
Real Jamaica School Project e.V.
GLS Bank BIC: GENO DE M1 GLS IBAN: DE84 4306 0967 2057 6314 00
Thank you for your help!